How to Shop Perfumes like a Pro?
Pleasure is the flower that passes by”. Do you know that your love for fragrance is often because of the zodiac you belong to! Just like we have to consult different doctors for different problems, we have to search and go through different brands to get different products. Our love for fragrance may even vary with that of our best friend or our parents with whom we share blood relation. To get the perfect fragrance there are few things which we should know before we prepare ourselves to choose our favorite out of the thousand different brands colours and fragrance. Before going to purchase make sure you have gone through these things and prepared your mind to invest on the right one. Know about your perfume with these few quick easy tips and tricks- 1. Every perfume comes with triple notes, ie, top, middle and base note; these notes make the perfume last long and the fragrance more bold and divine. The different amount of...